Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today's exercise consisted of walking for an hour while Trick-or-Treating. We didn't walk overly fast, but a walk is a walk.

I plan to run again tomorrow. I have to admit, it felt good thinking about getting my health back on track.

I bought a new outfit today for the first time in months (years?). An actual pair of pants and a short sleeved sweater. I like them. I like the style, the fit and the colors. They only thing I don't like is the size. Hopefully that will change.

I made myself realize that I have to shop for clothes NOW...not "when I lose weight." If I continue to be healthy, shopping will become more fun as the sizes shrink. And if I have clothes that fit and look nice, I'll stay motivated to continue exercising and eating right.

I leave you with a bit of creativeness. I sometimes manage to pull it off.

Mummy Dogs and Worm Juice

Carrot Fingers

Happy Halloween! Here's to a healthy November!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Not So Small Break

Distance: 1.866 miles
Time: 32 min.

My break was a bit longer than I anticipated. My best excuse is that life happened. School started. Enough said! Anyone who is a teacher or who has ever gone to school themselves knows that this is enough of an explanation.

I never said my excuse was great. I just said it was my excuse.

Another big change is that my oldest is in first grade. What a difference between Kindergarten and first grade! Him getting older means more homework, soccer practice twice a week, scouts once a week, games on Saturdays, numerous birthday party invites, and emotional crying fits at least once a week.

My youngest just turned three. Whoever said the Terrible Two's are bad never met my 3-year-old. Let's just put it this way: thank goodness he's cute. He is my Jekyll and Hyde. I call him my Lovebug for good reason. He knows how to turn on the charm when he is being naughty, which is most of the time.

While the beginning of the school year has gone well, my health has plummeted. I'm tired all the time, eating junk food all the time, grouchy, lazy, and unmotivated. I know deep down that the only thing that helps me snap out of this is exercising.

I'm not sure what flipped the switch tonight. In any case, I got on the treadmill. I was tired, but I sure feel good now. I have to repeat my favorite phrase to myself over and over: you never regret doing a workout, but you almost always regret skipping one. Boy have I regretted the past three months.

But enough regrets. Forward, always forward.