Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Really Love Races

Running Log:
1.96 mile race - 23:42 min.
12:06 pace

At the last minute I entered a race this morning. I've known about the race for months, but never mailed in the registration. Then after getting sick last weekend, I wasn't sure if I'd feel up to it.

However, we were all up early this morning, and I was feeling pretty good...aside from the fact that I hadn't run in 10 days. I figured I'd use this to get my motivation back. I think it worked!

Even though I ran terribly slow, I felt good being out on the course. I loved watching the other runners go by. I smiled because even though I am slow, I have the ability to move my legs and do something not everybody can do.

It was good to get out there.

My 5-year-old also ran this morning. I wrote about it on my family blog HERE. I keep saying that I am living vicariously through him, because the chances of me ever winning a medal are slim to none! It is so exciting to see him succeed.


kcochran said...

Hey I just realized you had this blog too. Very good! You're doing great.

The Green Girl said...

Yeay! I love seeing other slow, happy runners! ::waves::