Sunday, July 4, 2010


I dropped a five pound weight on my foot this morning. See? I knew I shouldn't be doing strength training! It is tender, and I'm sure there will be a bruise, but other than that I think I'm fine.

Time: 38:21 min.
Distance: 2.54 miles
Avg. Pace: 15:06/mi.

Week 4 1/2 of Couch to 5K. I followed the distances as opposed to the times for Week 4. It took me a while to finish, but that's okay. I just kept chugging along.

We were at a wedding last night. Granted, we were home by 8, but I was still tired this morning. I let myself sleep in an extra 20 minutes. Once I was up and out the door, it felt good to be moving. I just wish I could crawl back in bed right now. That won't be happening. My mom and sister will be here later for the 4th. I need to shop, cook, and clean.

Happy Fourth of July!

1 comment:

The Green Girl said...

Ow! You poor thing! I hope your little foot is okay.

I'm not sure if you ran before or after the weight accident but be careful!