Monday, August 9, 2010

Small Break

I haven't been running lately. I sort of lost my motivation to get up so early, but more importantly, the bottom of my left heel hurts pretty badly. I think it is wise to give it a break.

I'm not quitting, however, because I have to be ready for the Susan G. Komen race in October. Just slowing down for a bit.


Tricia said...

hope your heel feels better soon!

CarolineZ said...

Hi Heather, I stumbled on your blog by accident. Being a runner myself, I had the same problem with a heel. Be careful before starting again, it might otherwise take a long time before you can run again.
I hope the rest will do you good, don't worry about the dip, I've gone through those too and always bounce back.
Best wishes from Amsterdam!

The Green Girl said...

Hey, girl, how are you doing? Just wanted to check in on you.