Friday, January 1, 2010

Starting Off Right

Day 7 No Soda
Running Log
3.6 miles - 49:35 min.
Treadmill speed of 4.7

Normally today is my rest day, but I rested yesterday and started the new year off with exercise. I didn't plan it that way, but I'm glad to be starting on Jan. 1 with a good 5K run.

I don't mind running on my treadmill. I actually am very appreciative of the fact that I have one. I'm way too much of a chicken to run in the dark whether it is early morning dark or night time dark. The treadmill means I can run at night after the kids go to bed. The only problem with the treadmill is that I seem to run slower on it than I do when I run outside.

I seem to average between 11:30 and 12 minute miles when I run outside. If I was to set the treadmill speed at 5.0 (12 minute mile), I'd croak. I'm not sure why that is the case. Maybe it's because on the treadmill it is a consistent speed with no variance, and outside I can slow down or speed up according to energy levels throughout the run. The moral of this little experience is that I should run outside whenever possible and I'd get my workout done a lot sooner!

I had Eric take a photo of me once I got done with my workout tonight, but it was way too gross to put on the internet. I was soaked in sweat and looking awful. No one needs to see that. Instead I'll put up pictures of my butt. For the first time in a long time, I sort of like how I look from this angle!

I know it looks like I am posing, but I didn't even realize that Eric was taking photos at the time. If anything, a photo like this inspires me to keep it up.

One last thing for tonight: I am super duper proud of my husband! While I was running on the treadmill, he got on the elliptical next to me for a workout. I know how much motivation it takes to just get on the equipment. I know this is going to be the start of a healthier year for all of us.

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