Monday, January 24, 2011


35 minutes elliptical

I got a couple of great compliments today. One at school from my close friend who said I look tiny, and another from our daycare provider who said my face looks thinner.

Tiny and thinner. Those are two fantastic words that I would never get tired of hearing!

Child #1 and I left school at 4ish. In case anyone doesn't know, the child is in first grade at the same school where I teach. We are together all.the.time. I love it though. It's great knowing I can pop over to his classroom if I want to, although I rarely do that. Usually if I see him at lunch, I'll zip over to give him a hug. I'm sure it will be soon enough when he won't want public hugs.

Anyhow, #1 and I left school and got home by 4:30. He worked on homework while I got my workout finished. I love being able to work out in the 4 o'clock hour and having my evening to watch tv, snuggle with kids, and sleep. I wish I could get my workout done at that time every day.

I am contemplating taking my clothes with me to school tomorrow and getting my run done in the neighborhood near school while #1 has basketball practice. There is also soccer practice tomorrow night. If I don't get the run done early, it will be into the 8 o'clock hour before I even get started.

Sorry to ramble. Just typing as I think here!

I watched Weeds on Netflix while I did the elliptical. First episode was great. I think I'm hooked.

Blast from the past picture: Hudson and me in Monterey in 2008. This was almost three years ago. So hard to believe that Hudson was this small and fuzzy haired!

Taken moments ago.

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