Saturday, January 15, 2011


After finishing my second run and stripping down to take a shower, I realized I was covered from head to toe in hives. Ugh. Itchy.

Every once in a while this happens to me. I am allergic to everything under the sun, but my allergies are manageable with shots and medicine. However, it has happened before when I have something in the tomato family and then get hot by exercising. The combination of the two brings out the welts. Today I had a sandwich with tomatoes on it.

I would have taken a picture, but I was naked. Plus, it's hard to see bumps in a photo. And really, who would want to see that anyhow?!

Benadryl is the best at taking hives away, but it was only 4 and we still had things to do this afternoon. Benadryl knocks me on my butt. I couldn't sleep through Evan's soccer game! I took a Zyrtec and hoped for the best.

Itching is gone, but I can still feel bumps.

Note to self: Don't eat tomatoes and then go run.

Instead of a picture of me, I'll post one of Evan in his soccer uniform at The Old Spaghetti Factory. The indoor soccer warehouse is right around the corner from OSF. We had to take advantage of that...two Saturdays in a row!

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