Saturday, January 15, 2011

Two Days Off

Distance: 2.349 miles
Time: 33 min.

If my training plan (and I use that term very loosely) goes the way it should, I take Fridays off from exercise. However, I never seem to follow my plan to a T, and that really bugs me. Life just intervenes at times.

I fully planned to do my run on Thursday, but I didn't get to it. I needed sleep. Lots of sleep.

I figured I'd make up for taking off Thursday by working out on Friday instead. I completely planned to run last night. Buuuuuuttttttt, after school Child #1 and I had to get allergy shots, we picked up Child #2, we ran to the groomers to pick up the dogs, we ran home to change for soccer practice, we drove across town to soccer practice, we figured we'd be done in an hour but the coach had other plans and kept us til 7:30, and we had to eat.

We were going to get something fast, but Child #1 realllllllly wanted Sweet Tomatoes. We ended up at ST at 8 p.m. last night. We didn't get home until after 9. Since I was dozing off on the couch at 9:15, I just didn't have it in me to change and run on the treadmill. Just couldn't do it.

Soooooo, to make up for life sneaking itself into my LIFE, I am going to attempt not one, but two runs today!!! I just got done with the first one.

Ran on the treadmill for 10, walked for 3 and ran for 10. I wanted to die. I was sucking air. I am almost ready to hook myself up to Child #2's nebulizer. I didn't do it though. I did steal Husband's inhaler, however.

Right now the plan is to fuel up throughout the day, put all the Christmas decorations away (don't judge), and go for a family run/bike ride later this afternoon. We'll see how my plan goes.

Here is a random picture of me last week. I'm cold in this picture. I feel like I've been cold for three weeks. The only time I am truly warm is in a piping hot bath, in bed after I've pressed up to the heater known as my husband, or when I am dripping with sweat while running like I was 20 minutes ago. I like winter, but I'm getting a little tired of being cold.

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