Time: 31 min.
I wasn't intending to do an easy run today. I was intending to do a hard (for me) run. However, once I got on the treadmill, I just didn't feel like I had the energy to run for three and five minute stretches.
I ran a three minute stretch...walked...then started to run a five minute stretch. That turned into two. From there out, I ran a minute and walked a minute. I ended up with 12 minutes of running altogether.
Was it what I planned? Nope. Am I pleased that I still did something? Yep. Will I get stronger? Yep. Eventually. Could I have done the five minute stretches? Probably, but I just wasn't feeling it today.
In other words, I am trying to be a little more forgiving of myself. I am trying to say, "Hey Self. Good job for getting on the treadmill when what you really wanted to do was stay in those new polka dot pajamas. So what if you aren't running for super long stretches yet. You moved your butt. It's good."
So, that is what I said to myself.
Now I am trying to convince myself to do my arm, leg and abs routine. Not sure if that is going to happen though. I still have lesson plans to finish. Curses. I knew two weeks ago that I should have done my lesson plans then. Why oh why do I wait til the last minute and end up feeling awful about them not being done? Stop procrastinating. There's a New Year's goal.
I didn't take any photos today, but Husband is moving all of our photos over to a Picassa website. I thought it would be fun to randomly post old pictures. Fun for me, anyhow! This one is of Hudson when he turned one. (He's now three.) I don't remember him looking so little. It's hard to believe how much they change and grow over two years.
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