Sunday, October 31, 2010


Today's exercise consisted of walking for an hour while Trick-or-Treating. We didn't walk overly fast, but a walk is a walk.

I plan to run again tomorrow. I have to admit, it felt good thinking about getting my health back on track.

I bought a new outfit today for the first time in months (years?). An actual pair of pants and a short sleeved sweater. I like them. I like the style, the fit and the colors. They only thing I don't like is the size. Hopefully that will change.

I made myself realize that I have to shop for clothes NOW...not "when I lose weight." If I continue to be healthy, shopping will become more fun as the sizes shrink. And if I have clothes that fit and look nice, I'll stay motivated to continue exercising and eating right.

I leave you with a bit of creativeness. I sometimes manage to pull it off.

Mummy Dogs and Worm Juice

Carrot Fingers

Happy Halloween! Here's to a healthy November!

1 comment:

The Green Girl said...

I love it! I never would have thought to use almond slices for nails.