Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Much Needed

Distance: 4 miles
Time: 42:09/10:33 average pace

I almost talked myself out of running last night. I am still getting over this darn cold. It has now settled in my chest. I am still taking DayQuil to get through the day. I am still coughing my lungs up. I just DID NOT want to run. I even got dressed in my clothes and then sat on the couch and talked to my friend on the phone.

It was Eric that got me out there. He said, "You'll beat yourself up if you don't go run."

And he was right. I would totally have been angry for breaking the streak for no good reason.

I got off my butt, left my warm bed, ran a mile on the treadmill, and got back in bed. And if I'm being honest, it sort of sucked. My chest was hurting, I was resisting the run in the first place, and I just wanted it to be done. Twelve long minutes was that run.

But, I'm glad I did it.

Then today there was a little bit of stress at school. Nothing huge. Just some changes that are coming my way. I left school at 3:45 (which I rarely do) and headed home with the intention of running on the treadmill. Again, Eric stepped in. He suggested I run outside since it was such a nice day.

It was a pace day, so I was going to use the treadmill to keep me on pace. However, the thought of running outside seemed really appealing.

I took off and did four miles. And it was the best run! Soooooooo different from yesterday. How is that possible? One mile on a Tuesday can suck and four miles on a Wednesday can be fantastic!

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I like running without music! I am forced to run by listening to my body rather than try to keep up or down to the beat of a song. Plus, it's just not the safest thing wearing headphones out on the road.

Without pushing too too hard I managed to keep my pace at 10:33 per mile! Crazy! I feel like a real speedster! Hee hee!

Running without music also gives me a chance to sort through my feelings and stresses of the day. It was needed today.

A little speed, a dose of Vitamin D, and some good old sweat. Just what I needed this afternoon.

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