Monday, December 28, 2009

Gave up caffeine and soda, but not alcohol

Day 3 of No Soda!
Running Log:
2.133 miles - Interval #1 on treadmill
4 minute interval speeds of 4.8, 4.9, 5.1, and 5.2

(My apologies if this post doesn't make sense or has words spelled wrong as I am a bit tipsy as I type this! It's Eric's fault. He's the one who suggested the yummy lemonade. I gave up soda and caffeine, but not hard lemonade!)

I always have great intentions of getting my run in early. It will help me start my day off on the right foot. Unfortunately, I rarely follow my own advice and instead get my workout done late at night. I leave it to the end of the day when I have all sorts of reasons and excuses for not getting on the treadmill.

Today was one of those days.

I took the kids to daycare and planned to spend a lovely day by myself. (Don't judge. I NEED a day to myself now and then.) Anyhow, I dropped them off, grabbed a hot apple cider and a slice of banana bread from Starbucks (giftcard), and then drove over to my school to get some papers I needed.

After that I returned home fully intending to do a little web surfing and then exercising. Well, web surfing turned into a 2-hour ordeal. How in the heck does checking a few blogs, checking facebook, and checking email turn into a 2-hour project?

Then Eric called me because he ripped his pants at work. He wanted to know if I'd bring him some new pants. I said sure as long as he took me to lunch. I drove the 45 minutes to deliver fresh non-holey pants, and we had lunch at Applebee's. Yum.

I decided to drop by the eyeglass doctor to get my glasses adjusted on the way home from pants delivery. I love my glasses, but they are so tight that they leave dents behind my ears and give me a pressure headache by the end of the day.

Got my glasses adjusted, got gas, went to the grocery store where I purchased hard lemonade, and picked up the kids. By the time we got home, I needed to clean up the kitchen and referee the children.

Now I was in a quandary. I knew I'd be consuming the yummy lemonade, hot wings with blue cheese dressing, and potato skins with sour cream. You'd think it was a party around here or something, but nope, it's just Monday night. I knew that I needed to get my run in BEFORE all this indulgence or it simply wouldn't get done. I waited until Eric got home, told him I needed 32 minutes, and hopped on the treadmill. I am rather proud of this part of my day!

Other than my nagging hip pain, it was a good interval run. Then I went and negated all that effort by partaking in the above mentioned snacks. Bad Heather. Oh well. It is a rare thing for me to have hot wings, much less drink. I feel pretty good right now. I'm sure I'll feel pretty icky in the morning.

I plan take the kids on a 3 mile run in the morning, and then we'll head to the zoo. The zoo is the best place for a 2- and 5-year-old to walk off excess energy. Season passes makes it economy friendly.

To sum up: I procrastinated in getting my workout completed, got it done, and then ruined the effort with spirits and snacks. Not too bad of a day all in all!

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