Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Crabby and Busy

Distance: 3.5 miles
Time: 44 minutes
Run: 3 miles/5.3 speed

I'm feeling crabby, tired, sad and a bit overwhelmed. The second to last week of school is always hell for me because I'm the 7th grade teacher. So what you ask? Well, the 7th grade class puts on a fancy shmancy luncheon farewell for the outgoing 8th grade class on the Friday before the last week of school. The party is in two days. I'm stressing. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy - just looking to vent.

And my throat hurts.

And academic awards have to be finished.

And grades have to be finished and entered...after I score a few more papers.

And we have a graduation to attend tomorrow night.

And we are leaving out of town right after the 8th grade graduation on Friday night.

And I need to dye my hair. Okay, that one is a vanity issue, but still, I've been meaning to do this for over a week.

Yesterday I was feeling fairly okay.


Post bicycle trainer workout.

Today I'm not so perky. See?

Feeling down.

Today was weigh in day at Weight Watchers. I worked out several times this past week, and I tracked what I ate and stayed within my points. I didn't gain or lose. I stayed exactly the same at 153 pounds. Grrrr. It's frustrating to do it "right" and not see results.

I know there can be many reasons for this. It's still irritating.

Now that I've griped and complained, I'll try to think of a few bright sides.

-I ran my full three miles tonight without stopping at a 5.3 speed.
-I did 10 minutes of leg strength training.
-I have great parents helping me out with the farewell party.
-I didn't gain weight.
-I am blessed to work at a school where I can go on field trips with my first grader like we did today.
-I have a husband who helps me tremendously and finished all the place cards for the farewell party.

Lastly, this is something I don't talk about too often, but I'm missing my dad. Next Wednesday will be two years since he died. It feels like the last week of school is always going to be hard for me. Dad died on the Monday of the last week of school. Even though the actual date is Wednesday, June 8 this year, I'm dreading Monday.

I just think of all that has happened in two years that he won't see. He isn't going to ever meet my sister's new husband or meet her new baby. He didn't see me finish my half marathon. He doesn't know that Evan lost his first tooth. He didn't see my mom retire.

I'm just getting myself worked up, so I'll stop. It's just a bittersweet time of year for me.

Tonight more than ever, this headband was needed:

Here's to a happier day tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Green Girl said...

Take care of yourself, girl. Take those vitamins. ::hugs::