Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year - New Log

Distance: 2.0 miles

It was weird to clear off all the 2011 numbers on the sidebars of the blog. However, I like starting fresh, starting new, starting over. It's one reason that I usually like Mondays. Fresh start to a week. A chance to do better than the week before.

A few things I am very proud of for the past year:

1. Running my first 1/2 marathon.
2. Running a second 1/2 marathon and shaving off time.
3. Running over twice as many miles this year as compared to last year.
4. Losing weight.
5. Keeping a good running log online.

Things to work on for 2012:

1. Run at least three half marathons.
2. Run at least one event each month.
3. Keep online and journal training log.
4. Include speed work in my training.
5. Get back into healthy eating habits/lose more weight.
6. Run at least 750 miles this year.
7. Keep a streak going as long as I can.

I think that about sums it up.

Plus, I think it would be pretty awesome to earn a few more of these!

1 comment:

TurboTurtle said...

Love your goals, Heather! I am still new enough to running that I haven't done a 1/2 marathon yet, but if I can get through the 10-Miler on March 31, that is in my sights! I would love to hear about your 1/2 marathon experience--how did you select which one you entered? how did you train? what surprised you about it? You may have this somewhere on your blog--if so, please post a link!

I am also trying to eat healthier this year, as I have picked up a couple of pounds that I can't attribute to just increasing my muscle mass. Chocolate IS a veggie, right? I mean, it comes from a bean, so ... :)

Happy new year!