Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Distance: 3.5 miles

Today was my first "pace" day. It called for me to run three miles at the pace I want to run the half marathon. I'd like to finish in under 2 1/2 hours, so I need to run approximately 11:30 minute miles. That amounts to somewhere between a 5.2 or 5.3 on the treadmill.

Isn't my math great?! And to think...I teach algebra!

I'm going to double check my numbers another time...just not right now.

Anyhow, I ran the first mile at a 5.2 speed. Then I kicked it up a notch to 5.3 for the second mile. I figured I'd drop back down to 5.2 for mile three, but I surprised myself by hanging to the end at 5.3! That made me happy.

I never struggled to the point of feeling like I was going to flip off the back of the treadmill from being wiped out.

I love it when a run feels good.

The kids were even good while I ran. It may have been the baggies of chocolate chips I bribed them with! Parenting at its best!

Half way through Training Week 2.


TurboTurtle said...


Each faster increment feels so wonderful, doesn't it?

Welcome to Kansas said...

Really, now on this blog I read that not only will I be running with my much younger, faster cousin but I will be running a 1/2 marathon in 2.5 hours???????

Well, you get to run with your feeble, cranky (much) older cousin... you lucky girl!

Truly you are my inspriration and I have been "running" about 4 miles a few times a week so far. Next week I am shooting for 5. Thank you for making... encouraging me to do this!