Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ah Did It!

In the words of Hudson, "Ah did it!" What he is saying is I did it, but it comes out a little country!

What did I do? I ran for 20 minutes without stopping. Yippee! Trust the training plan, I guess.

Time: 30 min.
Total Distance: 2.08 miles
Avg. Running Pace: 12:45/mi.

The plan called for running two miles in 20 minutes. Yeah, not gonna happen right now. Maybe with three more years of training I'll hit that mark! I made it 1.57 miles when my 20 minutes was up. Not bad.

I must have been pretty anxious about this run, because I have been awake since 4:30ish, and I'm not that tired. I got to bed at a decent hour, so I feel pretty well rested. I finally got up at about 5:30 and left the house at 5:50. I took a cold shower once I got back, and now it's time to get ready for school.

I love it when I get things accomplished before 7 a.m!

I got all my water in yesterday, and I'm working on my first 16 ounces already this morning. I'm also doing well on eating within my point range. The one area where I am not doing well is strength training. I don't have much time in the morning to fit it in along with a run, so I have to leave it for later. Then later comes and I have no motivation to do it. I'll work it in eventually.


The Green Girl said...

Congratulations, girl! ::cheers::

One of my coworkers wants to start running so I recommended the Cool Running Couch-to-5k but he wants to run with me so I plan on starting it with him next week. I think I'm a great person to do this with beginners because I'm so slow that I can run that slow pace that the super fast people cannot do. ::grins::

BeckyK said...


Heather Forcey said...

Thanks everyone!

Green Girl - That is awesome that you are going to run with someone else from the beginning. The program is long enough to be challenging and short enough to keep me from quitting!

Carol said...

Awesome job, Heather!!!