Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Liking Me Again

Distance: 2.074 miles
Time: 31 min.

This post has two parts. One where I like myself, and one where I am frustrated for comparing myself to someone else.

I like this picture! For once, I like a picture of myself! I can't even tell you how long it's been since I liked a stinkin' picture of myself.

I'm not sure what's up with my little smirk!

I hated every Christmas picture of myself this year. I've also been growing my bangs out since last year, and I'm still pretty self-conscious about them.

But Monday it all came together with feeling good, decent hair, and happy smile. (It's really weird to take a photo of myself. I feel like a big goofball doing it!)

And now for the part where I compare myself to others.

There is a teacher at my school who is young, beautiful and is one of my favorite people on Earth. She casually mentioned to me that she was proud of herself because she ran four miles yesterday on the treadmill at a 6.0 speed. I just about spit out my salad listening to her.

I knew she sometimes ran in the past, but I didn't realize that she's been building up to running again. She said she's been running since before Thanksgiving.

Ugh!!!!! Gahhhhh!!!!! I feel like I can run for the next four MONTHS and not be able to run four miles. I am smack in the middle of running for five minutes at a 5.1 speed, and it makes me want to gasp for breath and die.

I start to get irritated with myself. I start to beat myself up about what I can't do. But I stopped that line of thinking pretty quickly.

Hey, I'm just me, running as fast as my little chubby legs will carry me. It's okay if I can only run for five minutes right now. It's more than I was running a month ago. I'm quite proud of my five-minute stretches.

Doesn't mean I don't envy my coworker, though!

1 comment:

The Green Girl said...

It's okay. We just do the best that we can. I can't even count how many people have asked me if I'm sure I was even trying to run when they hear how long it takes me to complete distances.

Whatever. We are out there doing our best.