Thursday, January 6, 2011


Distance: 2.109 miles
Time: 31 min.

I signed up for a race at the last minute today. I'm going to do a 2-mile run on Saturday morning. I'm not ready to run two miles, but that's okay. I'll run/walk until I finish. No big deal!

I figure my "training" plan calls for a 20 minute run anyhow, so I may as well sign up for a race and enjoy the atmosphere. I really love races. They are just fun and festive. And right now they are cold!

I also signed up both kids. This will be Hudson's first race! Right now he is excited, but on race day, he might decide to hide behind my leg. We'll see how it goes. Evan is an old pro at age 6!

My run tonight went well. I always get anxious as the time lengths for runs increase. I went from five minute runs on Tuesday to two 8-minute runs tonight. I didn't slow my pace even when I wanted to fall off the treadmill! Yay me! Gotta pat myself on the back when I can!

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