Sunday, January 10, 2010

Catch Up

Day 16 No Soda

Running Log:
4.05 miles (3.47 run) - 53 min.
Arm and Legs 4 min. 8 lb.

I'll break this post up into topics that I have been meaning to blog about.

Run the Dream

Yesterday Evan and I participated in our first race for the year. We were up and out of the house before 7, and it was a gray, cold, and foggy day. Evan ran first. He was probably the 5th or 6th kid through the chute, so he was really disappointed that he didn't win. (He doesn't understand the concept of there being different divisions.) We had to emphasize that we were proud of him for trying his best and having fun.

Turns out that he won 2nd place for the 5-year-old male division! We were so proud of him!

Proudly showing off his trophy. I found the trophy in my bed this morning because the child walks through the house holding onto it!

After Evan's race, I zipped over to my starting area. The start was rather sudden. It is so hard to hear the instructions when standing in the middle of the group. Anyhow, I felt pretty good zipping along. Same as my other races, I try not to look around too much.

I liked the path we were on. Much easier than the Turkey Trot at this park! Once I rounded the last corner to head for the chute, I pushed really hard. My time was 21:47! Yay! I ran sub-11 minute miles! I'm not sure if I would have been able to keep up this pace for another mile for a 5K, but the two miles felt pretty great.

Here is the finish to my race. As I got to the grass, I really kicked it up a notch and pushed hard. I felt like I was moving so fast. In the video, it doesn't look I am moving fast at all. Oh well. Perception is a funny thing.

After the race trying to stay warm.

We had to stick around so Evan could get his trophy. Oh, and I won a raffle prize! I got a $15 gift certificate towards an ID bracelet or shoe tag. Cool!

I was secretly hoping that I might have had a shot at getting maybe 3rd place. But I didn't. I was checking last year's results. If I had run this race with my time last year, I would have gotten 3rd. I am surprised that I am a little bummed about it. It never mattered to me before. I guess it would just be cool to get a tangible reward for all this work.

It was a great morning. We came home, had lunch, and took naps in the afternoon! That was great as well.

1,000 Mile Club

I'm trying something pretty crazy. I joined a club called the 1,000 Mile Club. It is being organized by Tall Mom on the Run. She has a blog about her daily running and is probably one of the most positive people I have ever encountered (in bloggy land or in real life). I'm not sure what came over me, but I am now on board with the goal of running 1,000 miles for 2010! Yikes! What am I thinking?!

Running 1,000 miles for the year amounts to a little over 18 miles per week. It's a lot of work, but it's not completely out of range. I may need to tweak my weekly runs to get a bit more mileage each week, but I am going to attempt this. Wish me luck.

Running Log

I wrote a big long post about how I plan to record my miles. Essentially I said I wasn't going to count warm up and cool down walks in my totals. I changed my mind about that. In trying to move my body 1,000 miles this year, I figured I should count all those steps! Not that it really matters, because I am really only accountable to myself, but I am going to count all forward motion when I go out on my runs. Just thought I'd let my three faithful readers know!

Okay, I think that's it. We spent the morning taking Christmas down and packing it all in the shed. It's a sucky job, but must be done. I am letting my pizza lunch settle in my stomach before heading out on my Sunday long run.

1 comment:

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Count every step, you are a BUSY Mom. Wow congrats to Evan, that is awesome..

Thank you for the amazing compliment, I am always amazed to see my name on others Blogs.

Keep on working you CAN do this!!