Friday, January 29, 2010

No Energy

Running Log:
3.124 miles - 45 min.

I just have no energy today...or this week for that matter. Today was the last day of Catholic Schools Week. We had a lot of dress up days and festivities that made me feel wiped out. My runs were just so-so this week. And I'm already looking at the busy weekend ahead.

However, with all that said, I managed to get all my runs in this week. I skipped Tuesday, but I made up for it with today's run. I'll definitely get good runs in on Saturday and Sunday because I want to finish up strong for the month.

I'm just feeling droopy. I've been fighting a half-hearted sore throat since Tuesday. I truly believe that running has kept me healthier than I have ever been. Even this little pesky throat thing isn't really that bad. It's just bothersome.

Tonight we are off to Evan's soccer party. Don't get me started on the fact that soccer season ended BEFORE THANKSGIVING! Just give the kid the trophy already. Okay. Venting over. Time to get the littlest Forcey.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Hope youre feeling a little better! I just came by on behalf of the Tall Mom on the Run Club to see how you're doing. :) Shoot me or Mel an email if you need anything.