Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Inside vs. Outside

Distance: 1.863
Time: 31 min.
Running segment pace: 5.1 mph

I ran on the treadmill tonight. I must have been tired because I felt like it was such an effort the entire time. The exercise felt good, but it was just an effort.

That got me thinking about a trend I have noticed. When I run outside, I tend to average about 11:30 miles. However, I can set the treadmill to run 12 minutes miles, and I feel like I am dying! Why is that? I have two theories.

1. The treadmill is boring. Mine isn't even set up near my tv. I have my music and my Christmas decorations to gaze upon while I huff and puff. The boredom must make my effort feel exaggerated.

2. When I'm outside, my 11:30 pace is an average. Therefore, I can slow down or speed up according to what my body is able to do. On the treadmill, I just run at that one pace. My body isn't really used to doing that.

Those are the thoughts I had tonight as I logged my mile point eight.

Not even going to attempt to upload a photo tonight. Don't have it in me.

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