Thursday, December 23, 2010


Distance: 2.41 miles
Time: 34 min.

Today is the first day in a week that we have seen the sun...and it is glorious! Kids are at daycare, sun is shining, and I was able and wanting to go outside for my run. Love it!

I was quite pleased with some of my times. During my running portions, I managed to stay under the 12 minute/mile mark. Well under. I would love to go faster, but I must remind myself I am just at the end of Week 3. Give it time. Give it many months!

Husband is home today. He finished clearing our tree off the front yard, and I helped a little. I am baking my bread. I need to finish purchasing stocking stuffers. I need to get my nails done. I need to finish wrapping three presents.

Husband and I are possibly going to go have lunch. I could do lunch everyday. It is one of my favorite things to do, especially with him. That's why summer vacations are dangerous for me...I have lots of time to have lunch with friends!

I plan to run again tomorrow morning. I'll take Christmas Day off.

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