Monday, December 6, 2010


Elliptical 30 minutes

Sometimes I hate having to name blog posts. I don't want to sound too cliche or corny, but I also want to convey the "feeling" for the day! Well, today's feeling was "Monday."

It was just a long day. Getting back into the working/teaching groove can sometimes be challenging.

My class led a prayer service this morning for the founder of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Blessed Carmen Salles. Since our school is a Sisters of the Immaculate Conception school, this is a pretty important day. It was a beautiful prayer service.

Then it was a 1/2 day followed by a two hour staff meeting. As soon as the meeting was done, however, I grabbed Child #1 and zipped home to get his homework done. He cooperated with me because I told him if he messed around, we'd go get his brother, and then he'd have to do his homework amidst the chaos that is Hudson.

While Evan finished his homework, I cleaned the kitchen from yesterday and started some laundry. We picked up the Little Child and headed home to make dinner.

Baths, dinner, snuggle time. Then I had to spend an hour working on time cards for payroll. Ugh.

I so badly wanted to say forget working out. But once I use excuses for one night, I can justify them any other night. Even though it was after 8 p.m, I got my workout clothes on and got on the elliptical for 30 minutes.

I'm just about ready for bed, but popcorn sounds like a good snack first! Either that or a hot bath. I'm cold.

I was going to post a gross sweaty picture of me, but I couldn't get it to download to my computer. Stupid thing. The computer, not the phone.

Maybe another day.

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